Inspired by all things sugar, spice, and everything nice, Love Her Girl was created in hopes to sprinkle a little colorful joy into your life.
With a background in Art, Film, and Fashion, Raquel Kalina has always been a lover of design.
As the owner of The Pretty Eclectic, she wanted to branch off into other aesthetics and explore her love for color, vintage and quirky fun styles.
As a playful take on the word lover, LoveHer Girl was launched with a goal to promote positivity, female empowerment and sisterhood. Through our products, we hope to encourage you to see the silver-lining in every cloud, and to embrace your unique and youthful spirit.
With every purchase, a percentage is donated to Mental Health America to aid in their mission to promote mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, and to provide integrated care, prevention services and support for those who need it. Read more about the cause at www.mhanational.org
In addition, a percentage of the animal charm collection is donated to Animal Welfare Institute to aid in their mission to regulate safe shelters and the humane treatment and protection of animals. www.awionline.org
Ultimately, LoveHer Girl was created to put a smile on your face and to remind you that life can be fun and full of possibilities.